AI, Automation, Medicine, Robotics, Wireless

Robots against coronavirus

Robots are helping in combat against coronavirus, reducing contamination. How they are and what are their functions? It’s this post’s subject.


To avoid healthcare professionals to be contaminated by coronavirus in hospitals, telepresence robots are used for long-range communications with patients.

Source: Dogonews.

Was already been published a post about telepresence robots, whose link is below.

Telepresence robotsClick here


Currently, robots use two methods of disinfection: Ultraviolet and hydrogen peroxide vapor.

Disinfection by ultraviolet

UV Robots against coronavirus
Source: UVD Robots.

These robots are used in hospitals and healthcare centers to illuminate areas. Ultraviolet light type C (UV-C) destroys the DNA of viruses and bacteria. However, it’s also dangerous for humans. Therefore, these robots are used when there’s no presence of people. 

Disinfection by hydrogen peroxide

Source: DirectIndustry e-Magazine.

Electric mobile robots with lithium batteries, equipped with hydrogen peroxide (katex is not defined) vapor sprays, disinfect big public areas. It can be remotely controlled or follow a programmed route, guided by sensors like Lidar and creating a 3D image of the terrain. Some disinfecting robots use both UV lamp and katex is not defined vapours. Like this one from Keenon Robotics.  

Source: Dailymail.

Coronavirus monitoring and testing

In addition to the security of healthcare professionals, exists demand to make a big number of tests per day. Robots and automated systems were built to automate lab tests, reducing exposure of workers to coronavirus. 

Automated coronavirus test
An automated cell of Bright Machines can make many tests. Source: Bright Machines.

In hospitals, some robots can monitor patients measuring temperature, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation of patients. In addition to have a communication channel between the patient and medic. Tommy robot, which operates in Italy, is an example of this type. 

Source: pri.

Exist robots with 5G communication that monitor body temperatures in public places and verify the use of masks. 


Source: weforum.

Many people were forced to stay inside their homes. Robots and drones are used to deliver food in hospitals and homes, transport samples to laboratories, offer gel alcohol, and help elders.

About Pedro Ney Stroski

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