AI, Automation, Machine learning, New technology, Robotics, Visits

Visit to Robostantsiya

The Робостанция (Robostantsiya), or robotic station, is an interactive robot exhibition, which is on ВНДХ (VNDKh) park, in Moscow.

About ВНДХ

It was built in 1954, it’s a beautiful park with many museums and exhibitions, in addition to nice gardens, pavillions and fountains.

The ВНДХ’s main entrance arch emulates Ancient Rome architecture.

Inside Robostantsiya

What I show in this post is not everything in the exhibition. These are some scukptures close to entrance.

Robostantsiya robotic arm
A robotic arm that can be controlled by the visitor, to manipulate these soft blocks.
This is the Socibot, a robot that simulates human emotions, moving the virtual muscle faces.
Robostantsiya game
This is a game where you control a robot to avoid obstacles, using only the two buttons on the left, which make the robot jump or crouch. However, the game is harder than it looks like.
Two FDM type 3D printers.

In addition to exhibition, Robostantsiya offers robot for rent, courses, host birthdays and graduation parties.

Entrance video and interaction with the robots

About Pedro Ney Stroski

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