The common base is little known configuration for amplifiers using BJT. This type is used in high frequencies.
Category: Hobby
2 common collector BJT amplifier projects
In this post, it is shown another type of amplifier configuration using BJT. This time, it is the common collector or emitter follower.
2 projects of BJT common emitter amplifiers
In this post, it is shown how to design a BJT amplifier with voltage divider on common emitter mode. Two examples of projects are presented.
2 digital electronics projects
In this post are shown 2 digital electronics projects, using DIP integrated circuits: luminous effect with 74HC595 and a semaphore.
Meet the 4093 (2nd edition)
This is the post’s second edition. Additional information has been added.
Using the MPU6050 module with Arduino
The MPU6050 module is an accelerometer and gyroscope with 6 axis degrees of freedom. In this post, are shown the operation and a project example.
AC detector and cooler with LED effect
In this post, are shown 2 circuit projects: an AC voltage detector and a cooler with LED effect.
4 digits display TM1637 with Arduino
In this post, are shown how to use Arduino with the TM1637 module, a 7-segment display with 4 digits and 3 project examples.
Current sources
The current sources are electronic circuits that provide a constant current. In this post, are shown some examples.
Arduino tutorial (Part 13, joystick), 2nd edition
This is the post’s second edition. It’s shown one more project to control servomotors with a joystick, using another method.