This is the first post of laser types series. Toady’s subject is the operation of the main gas lasers, which were created in the 1960s.
Category: Light
The origin of Jupiter’s auroras
For 40 years, nobody could explain how auroras in Jupiter were formed. Now, data from probes can give an answer.
Photoinduced force microscope
For the first time, atoms were observed with a new type of microscope, which uses a photoinduced force to observe atomic nanometric structures.
How does the laser work?
This is the first of a series of posts related to lasers. This post’s topic is about the principle of laser operation.
New paint reflects 98.1% of light
A new formula for white paint got a reflectivity record, allowing to save energy with air conditioner and improve thermal isolation.
New atomic clocks will redefine the second
Three different atomic clocks made an ultraprecise comparison measure, within a quadrillionth of 1%, an advance in the new definition of a second.
What is Raman spectroscopy?
Today’s subject is Raman spectroscopy. A very used technique in physics, chemistry, and biology to analyze materials’ molecular structure.
3D printer: How it works?
The 3D printer is revolutionizing object manufacturing. It’s an additive manufacturing technology, whose operation is today’s subject.
Jiuzhang, the photonic quantum computer
The Jiuzhang is a recently built quantum computer, which makes impossible calculations for a digital computer using photons, light particles.
Fresnel linear concentrator
The Fresnel linear concentrator is a little known form of thermal solar energy generation. The operation of this technology is today’s subject.