This post’s subject is infrared sensors. It is possible to build or buy a complete one and make many electronic and robotic projects.
Category: Light
News: The probe which got the closest to the Sun
The space probe Parker is the one which got the closest to a star and was released the first image.
What is coronal mass ejection?
In this post, it is explained the coronal mass ejection phenomena and its interaction with Earth`s magnetosphere.
Solar flares: How are formed?
This post’s subject is solar flares, what are and how they form. And how it can interfere in the current communication systems.
Sirius inauguration
Has been inaugurated in the city of Campinas, Brazil, the Sirius. One of the world’s most advanced electron accelerators.
News: Artificial moon in 2020
Chinese plan to build an artificial moon to public lighting. Prediction to launch in 2020.
Types of antennas (Part 1)
This is the first part of many types of antennas which weren’t showed before, This post’s name could be called “Antennas (Part 3)”.
Thermal solar energy
Photovoltaic panels aren’t the only way to produce electrical energy from Sun. In this post will be shown the thermal solar energy.
Antennas (Part 2)
This is the second part of antennas. Will be shown other parameters and some types of antennas.
Antennas (Part 1)
Antennas convert electric signals into electromagnetic waves and vice versa in an efficient way. this post will be shown an introduction to antennas, parameters, and some types of antennas.