The NASA robot Curiosity discovered evidence of methane seasonal variation.
Category: Materials
How to extract and enrich uranium?
Where it comes from and how it’s made the nuclear fuel used in nuclear power plants? It is this post`s subject.
What is the most complex mineral in the world?
Will be shown the mineral which has the most complex structure and the greater number of bits.
How the LED works?
The Light Emitter Diode (LED) is a component present in almost all electronic devices and probably will dominate the public illumination. This post will explain how they work.
Polymer artificial muscles
In this post I will talk about artificial muscles based in polymer. An alternative to electrical motors to move robots and create prosthesis.
Lithium: properties, extraction and applications
In this post I will talk about a very important element to modern technologies. The use of lithium allowed the improvement of batteries. The best batteries have lithium.
Meeting demands, the subject of this post is tantalum, an element similar to the niobium. I will talk about the properties, reserves, extraction and applications.
Meeting demands, I will talk about niobium. I will talk about properties, reserves, extraction, and applications.
Rare earth (Part 2)
This post is the continuation of rare earth subject. I will talk about the main rare earth reserves and some applications of each element.
Rare earth (Part 1)
In this post I will talk about rare earth, fundamental elements to modern technologies.