How are offshore wind turbines kept at sea, and how is the generated energy transmitted to the shore? This is the subject of this post.
Category: Mechanics
Haolong: the Chinese space shuttle
The unmanned space shuttle Haolong was revealed, it will transport cargo to the space station and will land like a plane.
Metamaterials: what are they?
Metamaterials have artificially created structures, to have properties that no conventional material has.
Magnetic circuits analysis
In this post, are shown the necessary concepts to make analysis of magnetic circuits, which is very similar to that of electric circuits.
Hysteresis: what is it?
The hysteresis is very common on materials and systems. It’s the capacity to keep a property, after remove the stimulus that induces this property.
Omnidirectional Mecanum wheels
Vehicles with Mecanum wheels can move in all directions, using less time and space. The operation of these wheels is this post’s subject.
3D priting of nanostructures
New materials can be 3D printed, to create many nanostructures and improve materials’ resistance without increasing weight.
Gyroscope: what is it and how does it work?
This post’s subject is the gyroscope. An instrument of great utility for electronic devices and for air, naval, and space navigations.
Wall climbing robots
How do the adhesion mechanisms used by wall climbing robots work? In this post, are shown the three forms of adhesion.
Other jet engines
In addition to the turbofan, exist other jet engines. In this post it’s shown the operation and applications on aviation of turbojet, turboprop, and turboshaft.