In this post, it’s shown how to control an Arduino with a smartphone using an easy method, through a Bluetooth module HC-05 or HC-06.
Category: Microelectronics
Gyroscope: what is it and how does it work?
This post’s subject is the gyroscope. An instrument of great utility for electronic devices and for air, naval, and space navigations.
4 digits display TM1637 with Arduino
In this post, are shown how to use Arduino with the TM1637 module, a 7-segment display with 4 digits and 3 project examples.
Artificial vision for blind people
An international team of scientists has built an artificial vision system for blind, which involves a brain implant.
PCA9685: How to use with Arduino?
In this post, it’s shown how to use the PCA9685 module with Arduino. To control many servomotors this is a better solution than traditional commands.
Scientists created cyborgs jellyfishes
Scientists created cyborgs jellyfishes, placing microelectronic prosthesis which control swim speed of these animals.
MEMS manufacturing (Part 2, surface micromachining)
In this part about MEMS manufacturing, the subject is surface micromachining. A very different method from the one shown in previous part.
MEMS manufacturing (Part 1)
MEMS manufacturing is similar to process used to fabricate microelectronic circuits. The bulk micromachining is today’s subject.
What are MEMS?
MEMS are abbreviation of Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems, are miniaturized electromechanical machines. An introduction to MEMS and some of its applications are today’s subject.
Fifth generation (5G) mobile communication
The fifth generation (5G) mobile communication is arriving, in this post is shown how it works and the main features.