The probe Voyager 1, launched in September 1977, detected a plasma “sound” in the interstellar space.
Category: News
Long March rocket falling (Update)
The rocket Long March 5B Y2, launched on 29 April which transported the space module Tianhe, lost control and can fall anywhere on Earth.
Launched Tianhe space module
China launched the main module Tianhe, to build its own space station. Initiating a series of launches that will go until late 2022.
Ingenuity helicopter flies on Mars
The Ingenuity helicopter of NASA’s Mars 2020 mission, flew with success at the Red Planet. Becoming the first aircraft to fly on another planet.
New paint reflects 98.1% of light
A new formula for white paint got a reflectivity record, allowing to save energy with air conditioner and improve thermal isolation.
Explanation for “spiders” on Mars
Finally was found an explanation for the dark spots on Mars’ south pole, known as “spiders”.
New atomic clocks will redefine the second
Three different atomic clocks made an ultraprecise comparison measure, within a quadrillionth of 1%, an advance in the new definition of a second.
Recreated the Antikythera mechanism
The Antikythera mechanism was built more than 2000 years ago, considered the first analog computer, was recreated by researchers of UCL.
High energy antimatter particle in Antarctica
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, in Antarctica, detected an antimatter particle with highest energy ever registered. This event was predicted in 1960.
The core of Earth’s inner core
Research from Australian National University confirmed the existence of a core inside Earth’s inner core.