The first time in history, a private company, SpaceX, will send astronauts to International Space Station this Wednesday.
Category: News
X-37B launch
In this Sunday, space plane X-37B was launch in a Atlas 5 rocket.
UV robot for disinfection
An autonomous robot, built by Akara Robotics, uses ultraviolet light (UV) for disinfection in hospitals.
Photodetector based in quantum dots
Was developed a high efficiency photodetector based in quantum dots.
The return of poisonous comet
In end of May, the poisonous comet C/2019 Y4 Atlas will be visible to naked eye from Earth.
Discovery by Chang’e 4
Do you remember the news about Chinese spacecraft in the dark side of moon? This mission discovered something about lunar surface.
Artificial atoms for quantum computers
Engineers from University of New South Wales (UNSW), in Kensington, Australia, created artificial atoms in silicon chips to increase stability in quantum computers.
Scientists created cyborgs jellyfishes
Scientists created cyborgs jellyfishes, placing microelectronic prosthesis which control swim speed of these animals.
The creator of Sirius dies
Antonio Ricardo Droher Rodrigues, the creator of Brazillian synchrotron accelerator projects: UVX and Sirius, passed away on January 03 this year.
The launch of Long March 5 rocket
The Long March 5 Y3 rocket had a successful launch at Hainan island.