Has been discovered a fossil of a “new” giant trilobite species in Australia, which lived 500 millions years ago in Cambrian period.
Category: News
Car with hologram prototype for interface
The Volkswagen’s car Golf GTI Aurora has an audio system controlled by hologram.
Parked electric car on fire
A Tesla electric car caught fire while was parked in a parking lot in Hong Kong.
Robotic catheter navigates inside a heart
A robotic catheter moves along a pig’s heart to help surgeons.
The biggest aircraft of the world flies for the first time
The biggest aircraft in the world, the Stratolaunch, makes your first flight.
New definition of kilogram
Has been appeared a new system to kilogram definition. But it will only take effect on 20 May 2019.
Sirius inauguration
Has been inaugurated in the city of Campinas, Brazil, the Sirius. One of the world’s most advanced electron accelerators.