In this post, it’s shown how to control an Arduino with a smartphone using an easy method, through a Bluetooth module HC-05 or HC-06.
Category: RF circuits
Other baluns and the unun
This post shows the other types of baluns that wasn’t shown in the previous post about the same subject. Also introduces the unun.
Remote control vehicle
This is a project of a vehicle with tracks controlled by a pair of RF modules and intergated circuits HT-12E (encoder) and HT-12D (decoder).
Coaxial cable: how it works?
How the coaxial cable works and why it’s so used in signal transmission in telecommunications? It’s this post subject.
What is balun?
The balun is used in telecommunication circuits, usually, it’s connected to an antenna. The operation and some types are today’s subjects.
AM and FM, understand the difference
Everyone have heard of radio AM and FM, but what it means and what the difference between one and other? This is this post`s subject.
Bluetooth: What is it and how does it work?
The subject of this post is Bluetooth, what is it and how it works. I will also talk about the versions and modules.
Vehicle trackers
Due to requests, I will explain how electronic trackers in a general work. The focus in this post will be tracking used in vehicles.
My master degree work
In this post I will give an explanation about my research project which became my master dissertation. It is a complicated subject which uses technical terms. My dissertation’s title is…