Internet, Telecomunications

I was targeted by a scammer

At Wednesday, 05:56 AM, in Brasilia time. I received in my site contact email, this message in poor English.

I didn`t send nothing in 2 days and nothing happened. This scam isn`t new, has already been posted by other sites in 2018. He used the e-mail to receive messages from “Contact” of Electrical e-Library, never subscribed this address in any site. How this e-mail has been leaked?

If you receive a similar e-mail, don’t fall for it, it is a scam. My PC’s camera is covered with black tape. Some information from Infopackets.

At some point in the past, you visited a website and created a user account using your email and password. Later, real hackers compromised the site, then downloaded the database of user accounts (including your name, email, and password used on the site). They then used this information to mass email all the people in the database with the same scam message – just like the one you’re describing.

In order to legitimize their “masterful hacking techniques” they supply you with your email password.This is icing on the cake and will frighten most people into believing the next line, where they claim to have planted a Trojan on your computer capable of spying on your every move. However, this is nothing but a fabrication. As such, anything the “hackers” say to you in their email is simply a lie, no matter how convincing it may appear!

More information from PCrisk.

Scammers claim that they have hacked the user’s email account. To make this seem genuine, they used the ‘spoofing’ method, which allows them to forge email addresses – in this case, cyber criminals use the recipient’s email address, and thus it seems as if the recipient of the email is also the sender.

Do not worry about this email. Neither hackers nor cyber criminals have infiltrated/hacked your computer and there is no video of you watching pornography. Simply ignore the message and do not send any Bitcoins. Your email, name, and password was probably stolen from a compromised website such as Yahoo (these website breaches are common). If you are concerned, you can check if your accounts have been compromised by visiting the haveibeenpwned website.




About Pedro Ney Stroski

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